Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I was at the commemorative lecture and luncheon at the westin hotel yesterday...the lecture was given by our immediate past PM..Tun Dr. Mahathir...when i saw him yesterday, i remembered my encounter with him longggggg time was not at any of his formal functions but only at mamak sundries stall...i have not even noticed him since i was so busy quarrelling or should i say...nagging hehehehe..until i turned and saw him smiling at both of us, dumb people in front of him ekekekeke...we were speechless and i was like...ooooo me god...its the prime minister...and the stupidest thing we ever did were to spontaneously giggling and rush to nowhere without even shake his hand or at least say hi or something...(aku kan naif giler...)...and as horrible as i could imagined, it happened twice...yeap...twice but at a different place and few years after my first encounter...

He is still as charismatic as ever, for 45 minutes, he mesmerized me and others... i saw the audience glued to their chairs..i didn't hear any whisper except for one stupid handphone (wei, awat yang hang tak off handphone, orang len pun ada gak....tapi reti lak nak off ke put into silence mode ke hapa ishhh)...he was talking about what it takes to be a global thing that i still remember when he said..leaders must not depend on their luck..leaders must be brave to lead, be creative and willing to take risk..leaders who follow other previous leaders' path are not leaders but followers who lead.....he was being philosophical but i knew and others too what is he at least trying to tell...

Errrr....i managed to shake his hand this time (aku antara yang terakhir dalam dewan tu, tapi bila dia salam aku, he looked straight to my face padahal yang lain-lain tadi..he just nod...hehehehe...kengkawan aku cakap lah..dah rambut ko tu lain dari yang lain..mestilah dia nak tengok, sapa lak minah nih me it was simple..salah ke being different?...tanya la kat 8tv tuh hehehehe)....


alia said...

yeap.. Tun is seorang yg memang sangatlah pandai or shall i say someone yg brilliant..
camner dier bleh terpikir yg org len takleh fikir????

Orgkampung said...

aku suka mahathir hehehehe...what a statement kan...betul bat and OO...dia memang brilliant and cool...aura dia memang takleh lawan..

Orgkampung said...

errrr...lupa lak..OO.. org IT hint...tunggu la..skit ari lagi..ish ish ish

Anonymous said...

I met and took picture with him when he visited us in US during study, masa tu dia masih gagah lagi, tapi samalah, open minded and berfikiran jauh. Suka dia

Anonymous said...

Yup...He's the mannnn!

Ape2pun...yg lain die tak eye-to-eye except with you!

So now at least I can tell people that I kenal orang yg Tun M salam n made eye contact with...Hehehe!